Write it down

From “Trust the Whisper: How Answering Quiet Callings Inspires Extraordinary Stories of Ordinary Grace“ by Kathy Izard

As each whisper came along, I began gaining confidence every time I made a detour, despite not understanding the destination. I became willing to divert from my life plan and follow a life path. It has become clear to me those whispers are what I should’ve been listening to all along, instead of only trusting my to-do voice and my fear voice.

It was another whisper that urged me to Write it down. The nudge made no sense at the time: I hadn’t written anything since college. But I began trusting each whisper, which led to publishing four books, including the one you are reading.

To be clear, none of this was my plan. Each of these new chapters has been the result of following some new whisper that felt inconvenient, unexpected, and uncomfortable – yet at the same time was insistent. Each whisper seemed to connect me to another piece of my own story and to help me know I was finally becoming exactly who I was meant to be.

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