Setting the Standards

From “Innovation and Entrepreneurship” by Peter F. Drucker To take a specific example, hamburger stands have been around in the United States since the nineteenth century; after World War II they sprang up on big-city street corners. But in the McDonalds hamburger chain – one of the success stories of the last twenty-five years –

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From “On the Brink of Everything: Grace, Gravity, and Getting Old” by Parker J. Palmer We have no choice about death. But we do have choices to make about how we hold the inevitable – choices made difficult by a culture that celebrates youth, disparages old age, and discourages us from facing into our mortality.

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Discernment Is…

From “Discernment: Reading the Signs of Daily Life” by Henri Nouwen with Michael J. Christensen and Rebecca J. Laird Discernment is a spiritual understanding and an experiential knowledge of how God is active in daily life that is acquired through disciplined spiritual practice. Discernment is faithful living and listening to God’s love and direction so

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