From “Trust the Whisper: How Answering Quiet Callings Inspires Extraordinary Stories of Ordinary Grace“ by Kathy Izard
That little voice inside you telling you to do something that feels inconvenient, unexpected, and uncomfortable.
It might start with something small, like encouraging you to speak to a complete stranger, or something big, like urging you to accept a job for which you feel unqualified. It might even be insisting you attempt something that feels highly unlikely you could eve achieve, like writing a book when you have never written anything longer than an email.
I am willing to bet that no matter your age, you have already heard at least one whisper in your life, but you might have dismissed it as simply a wild hope or an unrealistic dream.
The kind of whisper I’m talking about is one that is difficult to ignore. It rises from inside your soul and slips not only into your dreams but into your every waking hour. It stubbornly persists, quietly demanding your attention. This kind of true soul whisper eventually becomes so insistent you have to decide: Do you spend the rest of your life listening to it, or keep pretending you never heard it?