
Brian Allain here! I’ve had the honor of creating or auditing the branding, messaging, and online presence of many businesses and authors. If you are just getting started, feeling stuck, or would simply like to get another set of experienced eyes to review what you have and offer recommendations, I would be glad to do that.

Audit Service

If you already have a website, social media, or other online presence, I would be glad to take a look at your strategy, branding, messaging, and overall online presence, and provide feedback. For $150 I will provide you with a brief written report and two Zoom conversations – one before and one after I send you my report. If you’re interested in this service please contact me here.

Hourly Consulting

If you’re looking for some unfiltered advice from an experienced business leader, I am glad to help at a reasonable cost. Please note: I do not offer legal, financial, tax, insurance, or investment advice – see your lawyer, CPA, insurance agent, or financial advisor for those services. I’m just giving you my humble opinion. If you’re interested please contact me here.

You can learn more about my background here and here.

Please note: I do not offer legal, financial, tax, insurance, or investment advice – see your lawyer, CPA, insurance agent, or financial advisor for those services. I’m just giving you my humble opinion.

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