To Claim Your God-Given Pure Power

From “Shine Your Light: 77 Blessings to Clear Your Energy and Claim Your God-Given Calling” by Kate King

Our power

How do we embrace our power in a way that

Is not power-driven?

How can we step into our giftedness

Our power

Our ability to move

And be a conduit for energy

Loving energy

That heals

And manifests goodness and

Joy to this world?

How can we make space for this power to move

Through us?

How can we live without shying away from it

Out of fear that others will think we are living

Purely from ego?

How can we make space for pure power?

Power that is in alignment with


Make way, make way

Clear yourself


Listen to the parts of you

That are asking these questions

Become the watcher, the awareness, the observer of your questions

Your thoughts, sensations, or emotions

Notice the part of you that longs to connect and

Authentically be seen and heard

By this time in your life, my darling

You are filled with many parts of you

Parts of yourself that you have picked up along your journey

The one that worries, the one that controls, the one the lives

Way out into the future or in the past

These parts have risen to help you navigate life on earth

And work to keep the eternal light in you sacred

While it can hurt to break off into many pieces

Many protector parts, many parts of ourselves

Over the course of one’s life

I make good

Out of everything, my darling

And so in this case

We might look at it as though

I have gifted you with

Many parts of yourself

For the purpose of guiding, protecting, and caring for your Eternal Self

That is within you

The part that never dies

Use these as tools

As a way to make your way through the world

As a way to interact

Between the earth and the heavens

As a way to remember you are heavenly

And also walking on this earth

As a way to remember your calm and confident peace

Within you

Let these parts of you

The anxious, the let down

The overwhelmed, the achiever

The caregiver

The free spirit

The judgemental or

The lovable inner child in you

(Just to name a few)

Point yourself back to the you from which you came

And let the eternal part of you

Increase in size and energetic space

Through the compassion it feels as it notices and hears

From each of these parts of you

Part of our power

Comes from caring for

Each part of who we are

As it hears from these parts of you

And responds with kind awareness

It will get more expansive

Its love will


Its compassion will move more stunningly

From the east to the west

Until our collective consciousness will expand so much

It oozes into the space in between one another

And heaven has fully embodies humanity

And healing consciousness will reside

Stepping into our power is never truly

About inflating our ego

But rather inflating our consciousness

Expanding the eye from which God sees the world

So that we too

Can truly see

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