
Life Is With

From “Listening to Your Life: Daily Meditations with Frederick Buechner” by Frederick Buechner THE TEMPTATION IS always to reduce life to size. A bowl of cherries. A rat race. Amino acids. Even to call it a mystery smacks of reductionism. It is the mystery. As far as anybody seems to know, the vast majority of […]

Life Is With Read More »

Let your life speak

From “Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation” by Parker J. Palmer My youthful understanding of “Let your life speak” led me to conjure up the highest values I could imagine and then try to conform my life to them whether they were mine or not. If that sounds like what we

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people have more capacity for lifelong learning and brain development than they even thought

From “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” by Carol S. Dweck, PhD Who’s right? Today most experts agree that it’s not either – or. It’s not nature or nurture, genes or environment. From conception on, there’s a constant give-and-take between the two. In fact, as Gilbert Gottlieb, an eminent neuroscientist, put it, not only do

people have more capacity for lifelong learning and brain development than they even thought Read More »

A vague and constant desire for something that does not and possibly cannot exist

From “The Language of the Soul: Meeting God in the Longings of Our Hearts” by Jeff Crosby Saudade – A vague and constant desire for something that does not and possibly cannot exist, for something other than the present, a turning toward the past or toward the future; not an active discontent or poignant sadness

A vague and constant desire for something that does not and possibly cannot exist Read More »