they simply want more from life

From “Embracing Your Second Calling: Find Passion and Purpose for the Rest of Your Life” by Dale Hanson Bourke

This huge, unprecedented population movement makes me think that we have an opportunity unlike any group of women has ever faced. I keep thinking that if God could work so mightily through Naomi, what could he do with millions of older Christian women who are healthy, wealthy, and wise? (Well, at least well educated.)

Many of us are looking for something more than a job to fill our days. Even those of us who work find that we invest less of our identities in our jobs and more in the rest of our lives. Many of us are seeking deeper spiritual roots. Take the case of Ann Fudge. A 2004 cover article for Business Week reported that after more than two decades as a rising star in corporate America – including running a five-billion-dollar division of Kraft Foods Inc. – she simply walked away. When questioned about her decision, she said she wanted to be defined by more than her professional status. She wanted more out of life. The article goes on to document the fact that corporate women are dropping out in unprecedented numbers around the age of fifty. Like Fudge, many are realizing that they simply want more from life.

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