through an uncluttered mind

From “What Makes You Come Alive: A Spiritual Walk with Howard Thurman” by Lerita Coleman Brown

Howard Thurman believed that a place deep within us yearns for moments of quiet serenity. Silence, stillness, and solitude: in our noise-filled lives, these bring peace, heal, strengthen, and facilitate spiritual growth. This belief is shared among mystics of many religious traditions. Writers from many faith traditions and spiritual philosophies such as Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Sufism, Taoism, Islam, and shamanism speak about the importance of these three pillars of the spiritual path.

When we intentionally center down in contemplative prayer and meditation, God reminds us of our unsevered bond. Invoking an inward quietness can aid the discernment process when facing life-altering decisions like a choice in medical treatment or a move to another city. To retreat silently even in our own homes or to escape from our daily routine even briefly – this allows answers to our questions to bubble up through an uncluttered mind.

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